Securities business license prescribed by notification issued by the Commission
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For those who interested in providing information for Securities and Exchange Commission(SECM) Please read the below “Instructions” and agree with the contents before providing for SECM.
SECM requires information regarding manipulations and misconducts on specific stocks or by securities companies.
SECM will not respond to any queries about progress or result of investigation regarding your information.
SECM need to conduct the investigation of unfair trading in accordance with Securities Exchange Law and any prohibition
contained in the rules, regulations, by laws, notification, offers, directive and procedures issued under this Law.
Your information will be used for investigation and inspection in accordance with the Section 14 of the Securities Exchange Law.
SECM takes all possible responsibility to manage secrets concerning personal information providers of the content of
information provided.
In detecting, investigating and prosecuting manipulative activity, SECM shares your information to cooperate with law
enforcement, banking and other authorities who may process or have the ability to gather certain information relating to
manipulative activity as well as prohibited acts as mentioned in the Section 49 of the Securities Exchange Law.
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ကော်မရှင်သို့ သတင်းပေးတိုင်ကြားရန် စိတ်ပါဝင်စားသူများ Sign Up ပြုလုပ်ရန် ကျေးဇူးပြု၍အောက်ပါလမ်းညွှန်ချက်ကို သဘောတူညီပြီးမှသာ ကော်မရှင်သို့ သတင်းပေးပို့ပါရန်။